What God says about the federal government shutdown and debt ceiling debate

20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead(A) and seated him at his right hand(B) in the heavenly realms,(C)21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion,(D)and every name(E) that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.(F) 22 And God placed all things under his feet(G) and appointed him to be head(H)over everything for the church, 23 which is his body,(I) the fullness of him(J) who fills everything in every way.(K)
I've been thinking about why our country is going through this recent, "manufactured," crisis. I think several things, some earthly some heavenly. What stands out in my mind is something I was told over and over again growing up as a little girl: No white man anywhere wants to be subjected, told what to do by anyone especially a black man.

Now, before you jump to conclusions about my upbringing please understand that my people along with many other northern blacks, hail from the South. The Great Migration, finds us here away from our roots as farmers, craftsmen and women and such. Many older (Baby Boomer) blacks understand this phrase and it is internalized and passed through generations. It is, however, considered impolite in certain civilized circles to say such things in mixed company or in public. We think it and whisper it to those close to us behind closed doors.

With that being said and noticing we have a president who is black, I wonder if anyone has the passing thought that much of this debt ceiling and government shutdown argument and catastrophe is based in the aforementioned idea of white male entitlement? Be that as it may, the Biblical excerpt puts the whole fight into perspective for me. Whatever the outcome I will still trust in the Lord as he has seen fit for me to be here on the earth thus far. The ownership of this fight never felt like mine, I feel like not even a pawn on the chessboard. I feel invisible. I feel as if no one in charge of this public debate cares one bit about me or people like me who are basically trying to survive life with as much dignity and comfort as possible. It is a fight I and I am sure others, feel as if we are losing.

I think there are those within certain factions who want to see how far they can take this onerous debate. I liken it to the Seinfeld episode where the character Kramer took a car on a test drive that had very little gas in the tank. He kept driving past the E to see how far he could take the vehicle, expressing his exhilaration along the way in the episode. Of course the luxury vehicle ran out of gas at the most unfortunate of places, the proverbial side of the road. A televised comedy sitcom is one matter, this of course is another. People will die, become homeless, starve due to the shenanigans by the faction to the right. They aren't even elected officials, they are sponsored officials who have enough money to cushion any repercussions from their behavior. The rest of us regular folk, don't but they don't care because they do not feel our pain.

As matter of fact, there are those so-called regular folk amongst us, who do not care but they reflect an uncaring attitude out of fear. Their helplessness translates to hostility and fear. They want to blame the victims, even if they are a part of the victimized.

The Holocaust was achieved in this manner (first they came for my neighbor, I did nothing, then they came for me). I was reminded of it during a scene in The Debt, when the mengele-type character told the Israeli spy why it only took four soldiers to march thousands of Jewish prisoners to the killing chambers. The film's writers said it was because not one of the thousands stood up and said, no and fought back —even after the Nazis, "took their children."

Of course the character got his block knocked off, as what he said was not totally true. However my life isn't played out in film and I am not a character to be manipulated as such. More than one of the millions affected by this political sedition should stand up and say, no. Tell the faction on the right to tear up the checks in which they accepted as bribe money to hold our country hostage. Tell them to do what God tells you to do, as it is written in the Bible and not what your own mind tells you to do because it makes you a fool. It makes the faction a bunch of greedy, hell-bound fools.

It is my suggestion that we should pray en mass to God for our salvation and good end to all of this fighting. We need to pray, folks on this one.
