Liberals warn Obama against cutting entitlement benefits -

Liberals warn Obama against cutting entitlement benefits - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

There was already no cost of living increase for Social Security recipients and as it stands I cannot retire (if I had a job) until I am damn near 70 years old. The president proposes no new benefit amount increases. People will fucking starve to death before anyone on Capital Hill understands what the poor go through. Many poor are too proud to accept help as it is and look at these insensitive, pretend leaders playing with poor folks sustenance.

With all the tax breaks big business have received recently, one would expect to see more and faster job creation but no, that is not the case. Why have their profits increased but no new jobs are forthcoming? I wonder if GREED has anything to do with it? It's easier to keep the tax money and work the shit out of the employees you already have. They won't complain because they need their jobs. A new set of folks need to own the means of production--some folks with morals.

I know our nation's leaders can do better than what is proposed. Why would the GOP force the president to further cut benefits to the old, disabled and poor? Don't they know any poor people, anyone who has an issue keeping food on the table? Don't put these GOP people back in office because if you do, starvation will soon touch your doorstep, long after the currently poor have starved to death and gone to heaven. The robber barrens will take and take until the world is rid of the unpleasing, poor old and disabled.
